ActivityAware: An App for Real-Time Daily Activity Level Monitoring on the Amulet Wrist-Worn Device


George Boateng, John A. Batsis, Ryan Halter, and David Kotz. ActivityAware: An App for Real-Time Daily Activity Level Monitoring on the Amulet Wrist-Worn Device. Proceedings of the IEEE PerCom Workshop on Pervasive Health Technologies (PerHealth), pages 431–435. IEEE, March 2017. doi:10.1109/PERCOMW.2017.7917601. ©Copyright IEEE.


Physical activity helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, hypertension and obesity. The ability to monitor a person’s daily activity level can inform self-management of physical activity and related interventions. For older adults with obesity, the importance of regular, physical activity is critical to reduce the risk of long-term disability. In this work, we present ActivityAware, an application on the Amulet wrist-worn device that measures daily activity levels (sedentary, moderate and vigorous) of individuals, continuously and in real-time. The app implements an activity-level detection model, continuously collects acceleration data on the Amulet, classifies the current activity level, updates the day’s accumulated time spent at that activity level, logs the data for later analysis, and displays the results on the screen. We developed an activity-level detection model using a Support Vector Machine (SVM). We trained our classifiers using data from a user study, where subjects performed the following physical activities: sit, stand, lay down, walk and run. With 10-fold cross validation and leave-one-subject-out (LOSO) cross validation, we obtained preliminary results that suggest accuracies up to 98%, for n=14 subjects. Testing the ActivityAware app revealed a projected battery life of up to 4 weeks before needing to recharge. The results are promising, indicating that the app may be used for activity-level monitoring, and eventually for the development of interventions that could improve the health of individuals.

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Projects: [amulet]

Keywords: [mhealth] [sensors] [wearable]

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[Kotz research]