Detection and Monitoring of Repetitions Using an mHealth-Enabled Resistance Band
Curtis L. Petersen, Emily V. Wechsler, Ryan J. Halter, George G. Boateng, Patrick O. Proctor, David F. Kotz, Summer B. Cook, and John A. Batsis. Detection and Monitoring of Repetitions Using an mHealth-Enabled Resistance Band. Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Connected Health: Applications, Systems and Engineering Technologies (CHASE), pages 22–24. ACM, September 2018. doi:10.1145/3278576.3278586. ©Copyright ACM.Abstract:
Sarcopenia is defined as an age-related loss of muscle mass and strength which impairs physical function leading to disability and frailty. Resistance exercises are effective treatments for sarcopenia and are critical in mitigating weight-loss induced sarcopenia in older adults attempting to lose weight. Yet, adherence to home-based regimens, which is a cornerstone to lifestyle therapies, is poor and cannot be ascertained by clinicians as no objective methods exist to determine patient compliance outside of a supervised setting. Our group developed a Bluetooth connected resistance band that tests the ability to detect exercise repetitions. We recruited 6 patients aged 65 years and older and recorded 4 specific, physical therapist-led exercises. Three blinded reviewers examined the findings and we also applied a peak finding algorithm to the data. There were 16.6 repetitions per exercise across reviewers, with an intraclass correlation of 0.912 (95%CI: 0.853–0.953, p<0.001) between reviewers and the algorithm. Using this novel resistance band, we feasibly detected repetition of exercises in older adults.
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Keywords: [mhealth] [sensors] [wearable]
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