A Treatise on the Construction the History and the Practice of The Flute

by Richard Shepherd Rockstro


Rudall, Carte and Co., 23 Berners Street, W.

Revised Edition 1928

First Edition 1890
ChapterShort Titleparagraphs
Quantz fingering 1
Quantz fingering 2
Rudall and Rose simple system fingering
Contents, Illustrations, Papers Quoted, and Authors
PART IA Sketch of the Elements of Acoustics
I General View of Sound1-25
II On the Vibrations of Solid Bodies26-65
III On the Production of Musical Sound in Tubes66-113
IV On the Vibrations of Columns of Air in Tubes114-171
V On Simple and Composite Sounds172-198
VI On Quality of Tone, and the Causes of its Variety199-240
VII On the Functions of the Tube 241-249
VIII On Scales and Temperment250-290
IX On Musical Pitch291-300
PART IIThe Construction of the Flute
X On the Flutes of the Ancients301-307
XIOn the Flute-tube and its Various Details and Accessories . . .308-367
XIIOn the Fingering and Machinery of the Flute368-396
XIIIA Century and a Half of the Early Life of the Transverse Flute397-411
XIVA History of the Flute from 1660 to 1827 (16 meg)412-560
XV The Latest Phases of the Development of the Flute (17 meg)561-688
PART IIIThe Art of Flute Playing
XVI On the Study of Music, and the Selection and General Management of the Flute689-709
XVII Position of the Player, Supporting of the flute, Action of the Fingers710-721
XVIII On Sound Production723-780
XIX On Fingering  (6 meg)781-796
XX On Time, Accent, Emphasis797-816
XXIOn the Various Kinds of Articulation, Brilliant Execution817-829
PART IVBiographical and Critical Notices of Sixty Eminent Flute Players
XXII Players on the flute with one or two keys. Philbert to Blavet.830-840
XXIII Players on the flute with Four Keys and Upwards. (18 meg)841-935
Index Index