Dan Rockmore, Professor
Dan and collaborator Digger (7/15/94--8/28/04) on another research adventure.
William H. Kemeny Neukom Professor of Computational Science,
Dartmouth College
Complex Systems, Network Analysis, Machine Learning, Cultural Evolution,
Group Theoretic Transforms
Some other

and Computers: A theoretical and historical approach , by Phil Burk
(SoftSynth.com) Larry Polansky (Dartmouth College)
Mary Roberts (Princeton University) Dan Rockmore (Dartmouth College) douglas repetto (Columbia
University) -- This is a web-based, interactive book that gives a hands-on
approach to understanding some of the ways in which computers and math are used
in music.

Signal Processing Edited by Daniel N. Rockmore, Dennis M. Healy, Jr
Some projects:
· The Math Life ,
a documentary film, co-produced with Wendy Conquest and Bob Drake
· Stalking the Riemann Hypothesis to appear, March
2005 (Vintage Press)
Lecture Series:
Some expository
· A piece from The
Dallas Morning News on Jackson Pollock and mathematics.
· An essay on
the Abel Prize written for the Chronicle of Higher Education
· A few art/math essays for the catalog
of an math-inspired art exhibit: Rothko ; Pollock ; Close
I’ve been a commentator for Vermont Public
Radio . Here is a link to
the audio.
Professors Dan and Digger Rockmore discuss a finepoint
of Digger's Grand Unified Theory of Walks,Snacks
and Sleep (GUTWSS).
Contact: rockmore at cs-dot-dartmouth-dot-edu
phone: 603-646-3260