Android Security Research

DBank and FARM have both detected two previously unknown Android banking trojans and rooting malware, respectively. These four have been confirmed by the Google Android Security Team.

Bot Research

SentiBot placed first in the DARPA Twitter Bot Challenge against 5 other teams, achieving high accuracy and speed.

Cyber Deception Research

The Stackelberg Honey-based Adversarial Reasoning Engine performs very well, even when the adversary deviates from the initial assumptions made about his or her behavior.


DiscX is intended to augment the current decision making procedure for “exploiting vs. disclosing” with a rigorous tool that uses agency experts’ inputs to help agencies such as the US Government’s Equities Review Board arrive at an optimal solution.


A project which generates fake technical documents to deceive and impose additional costs on malicious actors.


VEST is the first system to predict when a vulnerability will be exploited and how severe it will be.

Sockpuppet Research

We tested the STARS attack on 7 recent review fraud detectors and found that all of them can be severely compromised by the STARS attack on all 4 datasets that we tested — from Amazon, Epinions, Bitcoin Alpha, and Bitcoin OTC exchanges.

DSAIL Lab © 2019