[February, 2024]
Two papers from our lab have been accepted to
ICLR 2024:
Training Socially Aligned Language Models in Simulated Human Society and
Aligning Relational Learning with Lipschitz Fairness.
[February 28, 2024] Congratulations to MMS Ph.D. candidate
Ruibo Liu on the successful defense of his thesis titled "Interpretations Allow for an Easy Cure: Lightweight Investigation and Mitigation of Safety Problems in PLMs". Committee members included Prof. Diyi Yang from Stanford University, Dr. Denny Zhou from Google DeepMind, and Professors Yaoqing Yang, SouYoung Jin, and Soroush Vosoughi (Chair) from Dartmouth.
[January 15, 2024] Congratulations to MMS Ph.D. candidate
Weicheng Ma on the successful defense of his thesis titled "Interpretations Allow for an Easy Cure: Lightweight Investigation and Mitigation of Safety Problems in PLMs". Committee members included Prof. Dan Roth from the University of Pennsylvania, Prof. Diyi Yang from Stanford University, Prof. Rolando Solano, Prof. Yaoqing Yang, and Prof. Soroush Vosoughi (Chair) from Dartmouth.
[January 12, 2024] Delighted to see
our latest research on "Deciphering Stereotypes in Pre-Trained Language Models," featured in
Dartmouth News. Our study unveils key insights into how PLMs encode biases and proposes methods for their mitigation.
[January 4, 2024] Congratulations to MMS Ph.D. candidate
Yiren Jian on the successful defense of his thesis titled "Efficient and Effective Learning of Foundational Large Multi-Modal Models". Committee members included Prof. Dan Roth from the University of Pennsylvania, Prof. V.S. Subrahmanian from Northwestern University, Prof. Yaoqing Yang, Prof. SouYoung Jin, and Prof. Soroush Vosoughi (Chair) from Dartmouth.
[December 21, 2023]
Psychology Today highlights our study on using AI to help detect mental disorders based on web posts.
[December 12, 2023] Excited to give a talk on
Strategies for Enterprises to Avoid Generative AI's Antisocial Tendencies at the
2023 TTI/Vanguard: [next] Conference in Half Moon Bay, CA.
[December 1, 2023] Excited to give a talk on
Large Language Models and Persuasive Language at the
Irving Institute Faculty Seminar Series.
[November 17, 2023] Excited to participate at the
Ivy+ Provost Conference on GenAI at Harvard University.
[November 13-15, 2023] Excited to participate and
speak at the invitation only Army Research Office sponsored Workshop on Metacognitive Prediction of AI Behavior at ASU.
[October 26, 2023] Delighted to see our lab's work featured in a Nature article on ethical AI:
"How Robots Can Learn to Follow a Moral Code."
[October 13, 2023] Excited to give a
talk on "Prosocial Language Models", at the
Information Sciences Institute (ISI). University of Southern California (USC).
[October 2023] Congratulations to MMS students
Yiren Jian and
Chiyu (Henry) Ma for winning a
NeurIPS 2023 Scholar Award
[October 7, 2023] We have
2 papers accepted to the EMNLP 2023 main conference and 2 to the findings of EMNLP 2023. Congratulations to the first authors, Weicheng Ma, Xiaobo Guo, and Sean Xie! More information about the papers will be coming out soon!
[September 2023] Our paper on
Bootstrapping Vision-Language Learning with Decoupled Language Pre-training has been accepted as a
spotlight presentation at NeurIPS 2023. Congratulations to the first author, MMS student Yiren Jian.
[September 26, 2023] Excited to
give a talk about Generative AI to the
New Hampshire House of Representatives' Committee on Science, Technology and Energy.
[September 19, 2023] Excited to
participate in a panel titled
"Navigating New Frontiers: Generative AI and Passive Sensing in Mental Health?" at the
Digital Mental Health & AI Symposium at Dartmouth.
[September 18, 2023] Our
recent work (jointly with Dr. Porkhial and Professor Valentino) on
computational modeling of participation bias in social media platforms has been covered by
Dartmouth News.
[September 14, 2023] Excited to give a
talk on "AI: What It Is and What It Is Not", at the
2023 Maine Digital Government Summit on the ethics, challenges, and promises of generative AI.
[August 2023]
Our lab's work is discussed in an MIT Technology Review article about the bias of language models.
[August 16, 2023]
The Washington Post covered our study titled
Mitigating Political Bias in Language Models through Reinforced Calibration," which received the best paper award at AAAI 2021.
[August 7, 2023]
Prof. Vosoughi was quoted in an MIT Technology Review article discussing the political bias of language models.
[August 2, 2023] I am honored to have received a
grant from the John Templeton Foundation. This grant will be used to study and foster "intellectual humility" in online public discourse by utilizing large language models.
[Summer 2023] Thrilled to join
Dartmouth's Center for Precision Health and Artificial Intelligence (CPHAI) as a
Technical Associate Director, working under the leadership of Prof. Saeed Hassanpour.
[July 29, 2023] Checkout our paper on
Quantifying participation biases on social media, just out in
EPJ Data Science. Congratulations to the first author, Neeti Porphoyal.
[Summer 2023] Students from MMS will be gaining practical experience in top-tier companies this summer. Yiren Jian will be working with the
Applied Machine Learning Team at TikTok. Xiaobo Guo is set to work with the
People Experience and Technology Central Science (PXTCS) team at Amazon Research. Sean Xie will be contributing to research at
Capital One. Finally, Ruibo Liu will be continuing his journey with
Google Brain. Congratulations to all.
[July 2023] Delighted to be featured in this insightful
article in the Communications of ACM about the potential misuse of chatbots and how technology can aid in detecting content related to chatbots.
[June 27, 2023] Excited to co-present a talk titled
Artificial Intelligence: Embracing, with Caution, the Latest Developments with Prof. David Kotz. We look forward to addressing a diverse audience of the general public at the Lyme Library in New Hampshire.
[June 2023] Kudos to our
MMS undergraduate researchers, Brian Wang, Samiha Data, and John L. McCambridge! They have been
awarded the John G. Kemeny Computing Prizes for Excellence in Innovation & Undergraduate Computing. Additionally, Brian Wang deserves special recognition for securing an
honorable mention in the Neukom Outstanding Undergraduate Research in Computational Science. Congratulations on your fantastic achievements!
[June 2023] Congratulations to the
graduating MMS seniors! This year, we guided
eight senior thesis projects. Remarkably,
five of these theses earned
honors recognition, and
two achieved high honors. Well done!
[June 6, 2023] Excited to
participate in a panel titled
"Is It Real or Is It AI?" at the
2023 New Hampshire Digital Government Summit on the ethics, challenges, and promises of generative AI.
[May 2023] Our paper on
"Improving Syntactic Probing Correctness and Robustness with Control Tasks" has been
accepted to ACL 2023. Congratulations to the first author, Weicheng Ma, and the rest of the team!
[May 2023] Our paper on
"Sentence Level Inference Attack Against Pre-trained Language Models" has been
published in the Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETs 2023). Congratulations to the first author, Kang Gu, and the rest of the team!
[May 2023] Our paper on
"Joint Latent Topic Discovery and Expectation Modeling for Financial Markets" has been
published in the Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD 2023). Congratulations to the first author, Lili Wang, and the rest of the team!
[April 28, 2023] Excited to participate in the
Neukom Institute Workshop on Computational Formalism at Dartmouth College!
[April 25, 2023] Delighted to
present our group's work on "Unsupervised Structural Graph Representation Learning" at the
Applied and Computational Mathematics Seminar at Dartmouth College.
[April 16, 2023] Excited to be one of
judges for
HackDartmouth VIII at Dartmouth College.
[March, 2023] Accepted invitation to serve as a member of the
Program Committee for NeurIPS 2023
[Feb 24, 2023] Our collaborative paper on
"Evaluating native-like structures of RNA-protein complexes through the deep learning method" published in
Nature Communications.
[Feb 23, 2023] Paper on "Joint Latent Topic Discovery and Expectation Modeling for Financial Markets" accepted to
PAKDD 2023. Congratulations to the first author, Lili Wang!
[Feb 16, 2023]
Featured in an article in the Dartmouth News about the conversation around ChatGPT at Dartmouth.
[Jan 21, 2023]
Two papers from our lab's collaboration with Google have been accepted to
ICLR 2023:
Mind's Eye: Grounded Language Model Reasoning through Simulation and
Language Models are Multilingual Chain-of-Thought Reasoners. Congratulations to MMS students Ruibo Liu and Suraj Srivats!
[Jan 2, 2023] Accepted invitation to serve as an
Area Chair for
ACL 2023, Computational Social Science and Cultural Analytics track
[January 2023] Accepted invitation to serve as a member of the
Senior Program Committee for AAAI ICWSM 2023 (January Round)
[January 2023] Accepted invitation to serve on the
review committee of ICML 2023
[December 2022] Our lab's recent work has been covered
Dartmouth News
[Dec 12, 2022]
Invited talk on
Prosocial Language Models at the
Computational Linguistics Seminar (CLunch), NLP group, University of Pennsylvania.
[Dec 9, 2022]
Our paper on estimating energy access using satellite data is out in
EPJ Data Science
[Dec 8, 2022]
Invited talk on
Prosocial Language Models at the
AI/ML Cross-Disciplinary Seminar. Dartmouth College.
[Nov 21, 2022] Accepted invitation to serve on the
Program Committee for the
2023 International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2)
[Nov 14, 2022] Honored to be involved with the
Arthur L. Irving Institute for Energy & Society at Dartmouth College as a
faculty affiliate
[Oct 27, 2022]
Invited talk at the
University of Michigan's School of Information Data Science/Computational Social Science Seminar Series on
Prosocial Language Models
[Oct 19, 2022]
Invited talk at the
Dartmouth Climate and Energy Symposium on
Modeling Message Receptivity Using
Machine Learning
[Oct 8, 2022]
One paper accepted to the
Findings of EMNLP 2022. Congratulations to the first author Xiaobo Guo
[Oct 7, 2022] Congratulations to MMS student
Yiren Jian for winning a
NeurIPS 2022 Scholar Award
[Sep, 2022] Honored to be a
Co-Investigator on PI Prof. Saeed Hassanpour's
NIH R01 proposal on Advancing Digital Pathology through Novel Machine Learning Methodologies
[Sep 30, 2022]
Invited talk at the
MIT Center for Constructive Communication on
Social NLP
[Sep, 2022] Honored to be awarded
a Faculty Research Grant by the
Ethics Institute at Dartmouth College to support our work on
quantifying participation biases on social media
[Sep 14, 2022]
Two papers from our group have been accepted to
NeurIPS 2022. Congratulations to the first authors Ruibo Liu and Yiren Jian
[Sep, 2022] Honored to be awarded
a Junior Faculty Fellowship by Dartmouth College
[Sep, 2022] Accepted invitation to serve on the
Program Committee for the ACM Web Conference (WebConf) 2023, Social Network Analysis and Graph Algorithms Track
[Sep 6, 2022] Accepted invitation to serve as a member of the
Senior Program Committee for AAAI ICWSM 2023 (September Round)
[Sep 4, 2022] Accepted invitation to serve on the
Program Committee for the ACM Web Conference (WebConf) 2023, Web & Society Track
[Sep 2022] PhD student Weicheng Ma to visit
Prof. Heng Ji's group at UIUC for the fall term
[Sep 1, 2022] PhD student Ruibo Liu to intern at
Google Brain for the fall term
[August 1, 2022] Accepted invitation to serve on the
Program Committee of the AAAI-23 Special Track on AI for Social Impact
[July 2022] Accepted invitation to serve on the
Program Committee of W-NUT@COLING 2022
[June 5, 2022] Prof. Vosoughi honored with a
Google Research Scholar Award in Natural Language Proceesing for his proposal titled "Culture-Aware Language Models"
[June 2, 2022] Congratulations to MMS Ph.D. student Ruibo Liu for
winning the 1st place for the Neukom Prize for Outstanding Graduate Research in Computational Science for 2022
[June 2, 2022] Congratulations to MMS undergraduate student Yakoob Khan for
winning the 3rd place for the Neukom Prize for Outstanding Undergraduate Research in Computational Science for 2022
[June, 2022] Serving as the
Undergraduate Program Director for the CS department for summer 2022
[May, 2022] Accepted invitation to serve as a member of the
Program Committee for NeurIPS 2022
[May, 2022] Accepted invitation to serve as a member of the
Senior Program Committee for AAAI ICWSM 2023
[April 7, 2022]
Three papers from our group have been accepted to
NAACL 2022,
one paper accpeted to
Findings of the NAACL 2022
[April 2022] PhD student Ruibo Liu to start a summer 2022 internship at
Google Brain
[April 2022] PhD student Xiaobo Guo to start a summer 2022 internship at
Amazon Research
[April 2022] PhD student Yiren Jian to start a summer 2022 internship at
Snap Research, Creative Vision Group
[April 2022] PhD student Yuansheng Xie to start a summer 2022 internship at
Capital One, Data Science
[March 18, 2022]
Two papers from our group have been accepted to
[Feburary 28, 2022] Our paper,
"EnCBP: A New Benchmark Dataset for Finer-Grained Cultural Background Prediction in English", has been accepted to
The Findings of ACL 2022
[Feburary 3, 2022] Accepted invitation to serve on the
program committee of NAACL 2022 workshop on HCI + NLP
[January, 2022] Accepted invitation to serve on the
review committee of ICML 2022
[January 21, 2022]
Two papers from our group have been accepted to
ICLR 2022
[January 20, 2022] An extension of our AAAI 2021 paper that won the best paper award has been published in the
Journal of Artificial Intelligence
[December, 2021] Accepted invitation to serve as a member of the
Senior Program Committee for AAAI ICWSM 2022, January Cycle
[November 26, 2021] Our paper, titled "Dynamic Structural Role Node Embedding for User Modeling in Evolving Networks" has been
published in the ACM Transactions on Information Systems (ACM TOIS)
[October 2021] Accepted invitation to serve on the
Program Committee for the ACM Web Conference (WebConf) 2022
[October 2021] Our paper, titled "Feature Selection for Multivariate Time Series via Network Pruning" has been accepted to the ICDM 2021 workshop on Systematic Feature Engineering for Time-Series Data Mining (SFE-TSDM)
[October 6, 2021] Accepted invitation to serve on the
Program Committee for IJCAI-ECAI 2022
[September 15, 2021] Our paper, titled "SymptomID: A Framework for Rapid Symptom Identification in Pandemics Using News Reports" has been
published in the ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems (ACM TMIS)
[September 5, 2021] Accepted invitation to serve on the
Program Committee of AAAI 2022
[September 2021] Serving on the
Curriculum Committee of the CS department for 2021-2022
[August 26, 2021] Our paper, titled "GradTS: A Gradient-Based Automatic Auxiliary Task Selection Method Based on Transformer Networks" has been
accepted to EMNLP 2021
[August 18, 2021] Selected as a
finalist for
Facebook's research award for Statistics for Improving Insights, Models, and Decisions
[August 16, 2021] Our paper, titled "Using impression data to improve models of online social influence" has been
published in the journal Scientific Reports
[August 10, 2021]
Two papers have been accepted to accepted to
CIKM 2021
[June 2021] Accepted invitation to serve on the
Program Committee of the 6th Workshop on Noisy User-Generated Text (W-NUT), co-located with EMNLP 2021
[June 14, 2021]
One paper has been published in the journal
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
[June 11, 2021] Congratulations to MMS undergraduate student Yakoob Khan for
winning the John G. Kemeny Computing Prize for Innovation for 2021
[May 27, 2021] Congratulations to MMS Ph.D. student Ruibo Liu for
winning the 2nd Neukom Prize for Outstanding Graduate Research in Computational Science for 2021
[May 27, 2021] Congratulations to MMS undergraduate student Yakoob Khan for
winning the 2nd Neukom Prize for Outstanding Undergraduate Research in Computational Science for 2021
[May 6, 2021]
Two papers have been accepted to
ACL 2021
[May 6, 2021]
Two papers have been accepted to
Findings of ACL
[May 5, 2021] Accepted invitation to serve on the
Program Committee of the KDD Workshop on Data-driven Humanitarian Mapping
[April 2021]
Two papers at
SemEval 2021 (Tasks 1 and 5)
[April 2021] PhD student Ruibo Liu to start a summer 2021 internship at
Microsoft Research
[April 2021] Accepted invitation to serve on the
Program Committee for EMNLP 2021
[March 10, 2021]
Two papers have been accepted to
NAACL 2021
[Feburary 4, 2021]
Best paper award at AAAI 2021 for our paper on "Mitigating Political Bias in Language Models Through Reinforced Calibration"
[January 25, 2021] Team Big Green, led by Prof. Vosoughi, selected as a finalist in the
XPRIZE Pandemic Response Challenge
[January 12, 2021]
One paper has been accepted to
EACL 2021
[December 22, 2020]
One paper has been accepted to
CSCW 2021
[December 10, 2020] Prof. Vosoughi is
leading a Dartmouth team (team Big Green) to compete against 104 teams from 28 countries in the
XPRIZE Pandemic Response Challenge
[December 2020] Accepted invitation to serve on the
Review Committee of ACL 2021
[December 2, 2020]
Two papers have been accepted to
AAAI 2021
[December 2020] Accepted invitation to serve on the
Review Committee of CVPR 2021
[November 2020] Accepted invitation to serve on the
Review Committee of CSCW 2021
[October 2020] Accepted invitation to serve on the
Program Committee of NAACL-HLT 2021
[October 11, 2020]
One paper has been accepted to
ICPR 2020
[September 2020] Accepted invitation to serve on the
Program Committee of AAAI 2021
[September 15, 2020]
Two papers accepted to
EMNLP 2020
[September 7, 2020]
Prof. Vosoughi is serving as the fall 2020
undergraduate program director for the CS department
[August 2020] Accepted invitation to serve on the
Review Committee of EACL 2021
[August 5, 2020]
One paper has been accepted to
[July 16, 2020]
One paper has been accepted to
CIKM 2020
[July 15, 2020]
One paper has been accepted to
ICWSM 2021
[May 2020] Accepted invitation to serve on the
Review Committee of EMNLP 2020
[May 18, 2020] Prof. Vosoughi and Dr. Neeti Pokhriyal
awarded an
Irving Institute Seed Grant
[April 2020] Accepted invitation to serve on the
Program Committee of the KDD 2020 workshop on Humanitarian Mapping
[March 26, 2020] Prof. Vosoughi honored with an
Amazon Research Award
[March 8, 2020]
One paper accepted to
ICMR 2020
[March 2020] Prof. Vosoughi serving on a
National Sciene Foundation (NSF)
Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) panel
[March 2020] Accepted invitation to serve on the
Program Committee of W-NUT@EMNLP 2020
[February 2020] Accepted invitation to serve on the
Review Committee of ICWSM 2020